Ideas are the world’s most valuable currency. They’re what separate the good from the great and in business, your intellectual property (IP) can mean the difference between success and failure against your competitors.
Covering copyright, trademark, patent and design, our commercially focused lawyers will help you register your IP to ensure it is legally safeguarded against both competitors and employees.
Usually, these preventative measures are enough but disputes are at times unavoidable. IP is one of the most hotly contested areas of law and to be successful, you need lawyers who fully appreciate the intricacies of the relevant laws in London United Kingdom .
With years of experience acting for clients in some of the region’s most important IP cases, we can ensure your interests are protected. We’ll always try and keep things out of court and where that isn’t possible, we’ll rigorously defend your IP in local courts, where we have rights of audience, and internationally, where we are experienced in successful multi-jurisdictional litigation.